Everything You Want To Know About Green Ship Recycling

No one can deny from the fact that our economy depends greatly upon the ships so as to transport the cargo, people and even weapons. The transportation of the goods and services never end but the ships only last for a few decades or so. Whenever any ship becomes too expensive for the shipping company to get it maintained or repaired after about 25 to 27 years of service, they sell it to the cash buyers so that they scrap out valuable metals and dispose off the toxic ones.

Valuable Components

Ships consist of both the valuable as well toxic materials. The valuable materials that can be extracted out of the ships are:


  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Silver
  • Brass

The ships that reach at the end of service life are considered as a valuable source of steel for the construction industries. By green ship recycling, these metals are extracted and then it is sold off for reuse.

Toxic Components

Along with the valuable metals, there are some of toxic components that are extracted from the ships. Those are:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Asbesto
  • Oil sludge
  • Bilge water as it contains oil, urine, detergents and solvents
  • Ballast water as it contains plants, viruses, and bacteria that gets picked up along the journey
  • PCBs or Polychlorinated biphenyls
  • Anti-fouling paint as it contains biocides

The above mentioned are some of the dangerous substances that must be maintained and managed properly so as to avoid all the negative effects on the environment as well as on the human health.

What Parts Of The Ship Are Recycled?

The parts of the ship that are included in the green ship recycling are as follows:

  • The steel of the vessels are cut into the truck plates and then these are reused in the steel mills for making the bars and rods. And the scrap materials which are left out are sent into the furnaces so that these can me melted and used into other products.
  • The generators, pumps, main engine and other machineries which are extracted out of the ships are resold in the market where they use it in other products.
  • The toxic materials that are extracted out of the ship are safely handled and then disposed off as per the local rules and regulations.
  • All of the non-ferrous materials that are extracted out of the cables and panels are extracted like the furniture, décor items and other materials are then it is resold in the local markets
  • Last but not the least, all of the materials generated in the process of green ship recycling is fully accounted and recycled.
· ship recycling